Happy 2008!

Jan 03, 2008 14:58

Well probably the busiest 2 weeks of the year are now over, and life is taking back normal shape again. It's a typical rainy, cold January day out. Christmas was good though. On the 22nd we went down to the Space Needle and used the gift certificate my dad got my mom for christmas last year. That was fun- I haven't been since my 13th birthday. While we were on the lookout deck I had the honors of taking the first pictures of a couple right after the guy had proposed.

Christmas Eve we went down to my grandparents place like usual. I got $120, a big bag of almonds and a sterling silver necklace. Christmas was good too- I got 4 seasons of South Park so now I have the entire series on DVD, 2 seasons of Roseanne, a new bed and new sheets and stuff, a calender, and a couple other things.

Of course, the whole post- Christmas thing is a bit difficult for me. Just because it gets so boring afterwards. We took down our tree and yesterday we took down our lights, but I still haven't deleted Christmas music from my ipod or a few specials off DVR.

Now I have the joy of ordering my books online- for this quarter I already have about $400 worth of books to get, not including one class which hasnt posted any yet and any course packs I'll probably  need. *dies*
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