(no subject)

Dec 23, 2007 22:10

So how exactly did Christmas get here so freaking fast? I probably didn't notice the calender fly by because I've been working full time ever since school got out, even though I told them that I only wanted about 25 hours a week. Now that tomorrow is Christmas Eve, I realize how not done the scarf I'm making my mom for Christmas is. So I should work on that I guess. I'm excited for Christmas, but then again the buildup is really the fun part of the season. I'm going to miss the lights. I think Christmas lights are my favorite part of the whole thing. Love it.

I'm trying to work up the wherewithall to buy my books. I can't bring myself to spend over $200 on books, even from half.com.

I think I'm going to move to the woods and live life the Walden way.
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