A Big F*** You to Peer Review

Dec 08, 2008 16:46

Okay, so we did our presentations in one of my classes today - well, I did mine.  Fifteen minutes on a current issue in Japan and since I didn't want to do anime or fashion (yeah, people chose that as being relevant) I did Foreigners and Crime in Japan.  Okay, no biggie, I got up there and talked, noticed NOBODY was paying attention except when I ( Read more... )

people, annoyed, rant, school

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anonymous December 8 2008, 14:14:22 UTC
Aw....*hugs* I know the feeling. I'm so tired of my peers that I could absolutely scream bloody murder. The other day when I was presenting a Supreme Court case in my Judicial Law class, people were texting. I wanted to hurl the podium at them.

Assuming I could lift the thing, of course.

As always, we miss you...come baaaaaaaaaack, Megan!



squirrels_oh_no December 8 2008, 14:19:06 UTC
I will be back at school...the day before classes begin! Or maybe two days before, I actually have to move in and that requires me dragging a parent up. I still don't know where I am living, though, so I can make sure that my roommate knows my rules. If I am in Reynolds, though, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, but chances will be that I'm the elder of us two and that I should be obeyed ( ... )


anonymous December 8 2008, 14:23:50 UTC
Aw. Well. My roommate's boyfriend is convinced that he's a vampire.

Seriously. Details to come, because frankly it's a hilarious story (though he would take great offense if he knew I wasn't being serious about it). He even convinced my roommate that she was half vampire, half lycan [werewolf, if you didn't know].

So what can you do. Hopefully your roommate won't try to suck your blood in the middle of the night. Not that mine does, but it still applies.



squirrels_oh_no December 8 2008, 14:26:02 UTC
I think the illicit affair between You Know Who and that woman is probably a lot creepier. Wink wink. Only you will know who You Know Who is and I want to keep it that way even though it is well know that I do not like You Know Who. You Know Who even knows I do not like You Know Who.


anonymous December 8 2008, 14:29:13 UTC
Hahaha...it's so sad that automatically I thought of Voldemort before remembering our stories. I was like, "...who is Voldemort sleeping with? Bellatrix?" But then I remembered, and laughed.

No, no more stories about them. Though I'm not entirely sure you could call it an illicit affair, since neither are married.

Well. Time to actually study for my exams for a change. *is slowly flipping out*


squirrels_oh_no December 8 2008, 14:38:09 UTC
For the purposes of my entertainment, they are having an illicit affair, no questions asked. Just remember my advice about You Know Who...

So we have a class next semester together, yes? Modern Political Thought? I get to bug Dr. Michelsen about graduate school recommendations. I have to get three people to do them and since I am applying to two schools (three programs), they are never going to like me again.


anonymous December 9 2008, 16:26:00 UTC
Alright, then. And yes, I remember your advice haha.

Ooh, can I help bother them? I'm quite good at bothering them, and since I have that one class with you, we can double-team them! ^__^


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