Jun 06, 2005 13:02
i'm starting a collection of what, i'm not quite sure yet.
The Vagina was artificial, but the Blow Jobs were Price.
What the world needs now, is more nun slapping.
(little girl stick figure holding cat above head) I Have Angry Pussy.
By the way: yer kids are ugly.
Hey! You! Outta the gene pool!
Somebody shoulda shot that in the sheets.
Your Mother Should Have Swallowed You…
(big writing)Does it hurt?
(small writing)Being that stupid?
Ow! The Stupidity! It Buuurns!
WANTED: SWM with 3lb cock and trust fund - deaf/mute preferred.
Darwin fuckin’ Lied.
Have you earned your Darwin Award today?
(iiitty bitty writing on a girly T) Yup. These are my Tits.
Beware the Fist of Doooom. (shaking fist image).
(iiitty bitty girly T) Duplicitous Bitch.
(Front) The S. S. Denial (Back) CREW (this one's more of an inside joke on my parents)
Have you talked to your naughty cyber pal today?
I have a deep, burning desire to… wait, wait. That’s a hemmeroid.
Sometimes, you just gotta type one-handed…
Everything I know about oral sex I learned from Drag Queens.
Sometimes, you just gotta STICK IT IN! - now is probably not one of those times.
Buy me another drink, you might get cuiter.
I feel people should make their own descisions and follow their own dreams.
As long as long as those dreams don’t involve fucking little boys.
‘Cause you gotta draw the line somewhere.
(for Father’s Day) Good job! You kept her off the pole.