Dec 15, 2011 14:51
Too much everything
Too much stress
Too many trips to the Animal ER
Too much cat trouble
Too much got shaved off the sides
It makes us feel raw
Too much got taken away, from her
Too much needs to go back in
But it can’t
Too much time has passed
And it won’t stop
Too much has happened
And it won’t unravel
Too much more to go
And it feels like not enough time
Too much all the time
Feels like overgrown weeds gone wild
Too much to take in
Too much to put out
So it all just escapes me
Too much mind chatter
Whispering stories of self to self from self about self
Yes, too much
Too much garbage caught up in the pipe works
Not enough free flow
Not enough movement
Not enough chanting, either
Not enough open space in mine heart
Not enough this and not enough that
Too much of this and too much of that
Too much time and space
Yet, not enough time or space
Too much change
Not enough change
Too much of everything
Not enough of anything
All mixed up, stretched out and caught up
Too many loose ends
That they all keep falling through
My cracks, minus a net
Too many loose ends, so many
That they can never be tied
Ever, ok well not ever
I keep tying them
They unravel
I keep tying them
They unravel
I. keep. tying. them. they. unravel.
I keep learning to tie them in different ways
They unravel they unravel
They, it, her, him, them, all of it
Keeps unraveling keeps unraveling
But maybe, it’s the unraveling, that keeps me together
Maybe it, as in [the unraveling]
Is the hidden glue or my hidden glue
To the foundation of me/ my core
Maybe it’s how I learn best, maybe the universe made a decision
That all my unraveling, will be lessons learned
Some seen, most unseen, all of them felt
Both above and below my many [expanding] surfaces
All I know is, shit keeps unraveling, unraveling, unraveling…