
Feb 08, 2010 18:49

So, we have successfully minimized attack flying over the last few weeks. We just got back into town after a weekend away and we did have a bit of a flare up. Every time I go into the kitchen, and especially down the hall I was getting "attack flown" but no actual biting.

So, this is progress!! Another side-effect of progress? She now flies to G every time she has to poop...and then poops ON him. I find this kind of funny, especially since the focus seems to be shifting off of him and on to me. She seeks me out for affection and food now and she seeks him out for...pooping.

We're going to take this as an opportunity to potty train her on command. She knows "poop" as something that we say when she actually poops, and I have been able to get her to do it on command when I know for a fact she has to go a few times already.

Also, while we were gone she didn't scream at all, according to my mom who was our bird-sitter and lives downstairs from us. Of course, what do you think the first thing Coconut did once we got home was? Started screaming. She is now screaming in disgust at the empty food bowl which she has flung to the bottom of her cage in disdain. Poor, starving, unloved, pitiful thing. (she was fed at her usual time this morning and will be fed again at her usual time tonight. The food-dish throwing does not make the process any speedier, though she seems to think it does.

Edit: I forgot to mention that when G picked her up to put her back in the cage she knew what was about to happen and said, "Shit!".

Apparently she has said this in relation with going back into the cage more than once. It's VERY HARD not to laugh at these things when you don't want to encourage them.
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