WARNING!!! Post Contains Disturbing Content.

Jul 07, 2010 23:47

And I'm not joking.

This article was posted on a friend of mine's facebook, who is heavily involved in the movement against horse cruelty in Australia. At the moment one of her major focuses is trying to prevent the importation of horse meat into Australia for human consumption.

What's the difference between eating a horse or eating a cow, I hear you say. Well, techincally, there is none. They are both meats from animals that are raised by humans and, theoretically, can be consumed by humans.

However, there are regulations as to how animals can be slaughtered in most 1st world countries and these regulations are in place to prevent cruelty to animals. This is one of the reasons that horses are not permitted to be slaughtered for human consumption in Australia. Along with the way that horses are bred and raised in Australia, and that is definitely for human consumption.

I urge you all, PLEASE, to read this article and watch the accompanying video. It is very hard to watch and left me in tears, but opened my eyes to why it is so important that we portest the import of horse meat into Australia for human consumption.


I don't think we should be protesting it just because horses are pretty. I don't think we should be protesting because the idea of eating such a magnificent creature disgusts me. I think we most definitely SHOULD be protesting it because of the repulsive treatment that these poor animals go through before they get to a plate.

I have warned you. THIS VIDEO IS NOT PLEASANT!!!!

BTW, This doesn't only apply to Australia. It applies to any country that is importing horse meat.
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