Mar 12, 2006 20:02
It qualifies for full capital letters. I think I'll give this another go. See if I can beat my last run of... 6? entries?
Anyways, school has been hectic. I did the following: 1 takehome test, forgotten to be brought in the day it was due, 1 paycheck from work, left in a classroom and picked up by some anonymous decent person, 1 quiz forgotten to be studied for, and 1 all new episode of Lost, still in the process of being downloaded, forgotten about. Don't even start me on the friends I hope are still talking to me even though I haven't shown face nor answered email in weeks.
Update nonetheless, in complete lack of sentence structure!!!!
It's been bad enough that I found "Daddy Day Care" to be heartwarming, intellectually stimulating, and funny. I'll look at it another month from now and laugh at me now. And then probably cry.