I'll subject you!

Aug 28, 2006 14:14

That crazy lass with whom I share a relationship took me out to see a movie this weekend. We saw Snakes On A Plane. Occasionally, something brilliant comes out of Hollywood, and for the forseeable future, this is it.
I had an amazing time watching it.
Now, for those of you who recommended The Nightwatch, you suck, that was crap. Too stupid to bother with the end of. Last time I saw a movie that crappy was Happiness, I turned that one off before the end and asked for a refund on the rental it was so bad. I got to exchange that one for a Godzilla movie, and I made the right choice then. Anyway, piece of shit.

This week coming, lots of time with above mentioned female, seeing A Silver Mt. Zion on thursday (FUCK YEAH!) and then a secret mission for the long weekend.

Life is good, despite all these fucking humans everywhere. I'm sure sick of them. Come on extinction!

music, movies, awesomitudeness, a.silver.mt.zion

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