Pain, the end of an era

Jul 20, 2006 14:17

So, my final physiotherapy assessment and a quick session.  I have full range of movement, even though there is pain associated with some positions.  That's a good sign.  In fact, sonce so many things are looking good, I'm not going back.  We're in agreement that physio has done as much as it can. the remainder is up to me and my body.  It'll take months more, but, that's life.  The pain is only at extreme gestures at full extension, and once the tendons and ligaments lengthen again, that will be gone too.  Plus with all the curls I do, I have brutally strong wrists.
What does this mean?  It means no more physio bills, which I'm hoping means I can get a shiatsu appoinment in to take care of the locked muscle in my forearm.  It means I don't have to worry too much while training, just take a day off if they get too sore, and to just go about my life.
 I will miss the stories about life before and after the revolution in Nicaragua from the assistant there though.

So, on to the next adventure!
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