April is here - hurray! hurray!

Apr 03, 2007 19:36

Goodness know why I'm cheering.......must be mad!

Anyhoo.....discovered something disturbing when I was on Fanfiction.net updating my latest epic.

I decided to dip into another of my stories - Whither by Moonlight - and found that in some of the chapters strange things have happened to the text in places. The word "on" has been put into the oddest places, completely disrupting the flow and making me wonder if I was blind that day. I know I make a few mistakes, but these are too bad to overlook and I can't believe I didn't notice them before posting. They appear in another chapter and I'm going to have to trawl through all of them to see how widespead the problem is. So anyone thinking that I'm a crap editor of my own work,......I'm sorry but I don't think it's my fault, I think Ff.net has done something screwy. Heck when I first posted ch.10 to Flying Boy the download left off the last two paragraphs!! I had to repost to make sure they got it all!....and when I posted ch.10 it took two days for it to appear - when it did there was only the header not the content until another day passed! AAAAGH!

So now I have the mammoth task of checking all my stories and reload corrected chapters or else look like a nitwit unable to see the most blatent editing mistakes. GRRRR.

Well.....that's my gripe for the week.

Happy Easter one and all.....and I sincerely hope that the problem with my websites is sorted soon or else I'll be very, very cross indeed. *humph*

cheers all *bunny hugs to one and all - pass the chocolate*

peter pan, fanfiction, writing

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