once again...it's been a while.

Feb 06, 2009 03:13

so i haven't updated since october. wow.

the job is going swimmingly. christmas was incredibly overwhelming but it was fun as well. i love that i am constantly facing challenges, and that i have such a huge responsibility. anyway, jan. 2 was my 90 "review" which didn't really happen...but i got the raise so that's nice. i guess that means i'm doin' an alright job. woo!

everything is wonderful between scott and i. i swear i fall more in love with him everyday. there was a time when i had doubts about our relationship, about how he felt, and about having a future with him. yeah, that's pretty much passed. we had a good thanksgiving and christmas. i met his mawmaw at thanksgiving and within 5 minutes she told scott she loved me. haha. at christmas she gave me the same thing she gave scott and keith...a container filled with little packs of peanut m&m's. and as we were leaving she said "we love you jacki!" haha. it was sweet. i think she's the sweetest little lady pretty much ever. i also met various other relatives and i think scott's aunt on his mom's side is my favorite. she was funny and just a tiny bit drunk. haha. his family is so interesting though because his dad's brother and sister-in-law are VERY conservative while his mom's side is quite liberal. interesting conversation. scott also met my grandparents but that's not too big a deal i guess.
new year's this year was really boring. last year we worked...lame. this year i was sick so we spent the night in bed. it was acutally really nice even if no one else would have enjoyed it. we cuddled up together and watched TV and saw the ball drop. it was perfect for sick lil' ol' me. haha.
my birthday was amazing. we went to a funky restaurant downtown for dinner. on sunday we went to charleston for a few nights. this time it was scott who was sick but it worked out ok. our hotel was right downtown so we'd go out for a little while and then come back and nap. he was sweet though, trying so hard to pretend everything was fine so that i'd be happy. very cute.
overall....awesome ness. we're happy and that makes life wonderful.

nothing else exciting. still living at home. :( i hate it, but really i'm only here 3 nights a week. the rest of the time i'm at scott's. i want to move out but again, i don't want to live alone. also i'm worried that i'd be wasting money. my mom said i dont' really need to move out. plus i spend more time at scott's then here so why pay rent when i'll be with him a bunch?

ok, i really should go to bed...i don't know when i need to work tomorrow :(
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