Hey, you wanna hear a good joke?

Nov 19, 2016 18:48

My first act of protest will also be my first act of self-care after the election. I want to make it into my own mantra, because I know it's going to be hard. It must be repeated, over and over, until I finally make it work:

I Will Not Click on Click Bait Articles. I Will Not Read Articles That Normalize This.

I always feel worse when I read those articles. They're short on content, greasy potato chips to stuff in your mouth until you eat through the whole bag and find yourself glassy-eyed at 2 AM with nothing but a whole lot of panic and a bad taste in your mouth.

Plus, I was trying to figure out a way to inform the media that they need to stop normalizing hatred and greed and have it actually work. And that's the thing. It's not going to if I keep clicking on click bait articles. They have no incentive to listen to me. I've become that person who protests Starbucks by drawing on the $3 cup of coffee I just purchased.

Do Not Click on Click Bait Articles. Do Not Read Normalizing Articles.

Step One: Do not click on click bait. Do not read the articles that normalize this shit.

Unless you really want to promote those articles that do call Trump out. I am a little hesitant about this - I don't want the liberal media to sensationalize, either. I don't want to encourage anyone to play on people's emotions to profit.

Step Two: Find a good source for news.

Balanced (in the true sense of the word, not the "balanced" coverage they gave this election season), objective, fact-checking. Dear god, fact-checking. Ideally not for profit. Right now my list includes NPR and Al Jazeera, but I would love to find more places I can trust. If anyone has any recommendations, please share.

Step Three: Do not click on the click bait. If I really see something I want to read, go look it up on one of those trusted, reliable sites. If they aren't covering it, consider: maybe it was a fake story. Maybe it was exaggerated.

Step Four: Do not encourage news sites to keep publishing potato chip stories. Do not reward them. Do not fall down the rabbit hole.

Step Five: Do not click on click bait articles. Don't do it. What are you doing? Stop it.

Do not click on click bait articles.


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