(Put Me Back Together) Wise Up (29/?)

Oct 28, 2010 12:46

Title: Put Me Back Together
Part: Chapter 29: Wise Up
Author: Squeeka Cuomo
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt/Puck, Burt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Finn Hudson, Quinn Fabray, Emma Pillsbury, Will Schuester, Tina Cohen-Chang, Artie Abrams, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, Mike Chang, Matt Rutherford
Author’s Note: The title and ( Read more... )

(character) will schuester, (character) rachel berry, (character) artie abrams, (character) santana lopez, (chaptered fic) put me back together, (fandom) glee, (ship) kurt/puck, (character) matt rutherford, (character) finn hudson, (character) kurt hummel, (character) noah "puck" puckerman, (character) mike chang, (author) squeeka, (character) quinn fabray, (character) emma pillsbury, (character) brittany s. pierce, (character) mercedes jones, (character) burt hummel, (character) tina cohen-chang

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shamelessbrie October 28 2010, 18:43:50 UTC
I'm sad.

I'm very sad.

This was good as always.

But I'm very sad.

I can't say much else.


shamelessbrie October 28 2010, 18:54:54 UTC
P.S. Please don't let my previous comment make you think I didn't like this. Hahah you are an amazing writer and you're writing totally evokes a shit ton of emotions out of the reader. It takes great talent to be able to do that, so great job.

This chapter just makes me really sad because it really hits me on a personal level. When I was in high school I was in love with a boy and he broke up with me for a girl. So this really hit close to home!

I just KNEW that text message was going to bring about a break-up. I have this awful feeling that they're not gonna make it past this. Although I really fucking hope they do, right now it feels like they're not going to. I seriously hope I'm wrong though. Hah I know you're not going to tell me either haha I'm simply just stating my thoughts so far. Whatever happens it feels like I'm gonna be sad for a long time. :'(

Once again, and now more than ever, looking forward to the next part.

See you next thurday xoxo


keeper_of_stars October 29 2010, 04:57:19 UTC
P.S. Oh, no worries! I didn't think that at all. Sometimes people have more to say than others. I totally get that. I'm just happy that you're still enjoying this story. Honestly, I want to evoke emotions. I really want to try and pull emotions out of people when they're reading. And to know that I've been successful means a lot. I'm just sad that you were so sad. THAT is not something I want ( ... )


shamelessbrie October 29 2010, 05:18:34 UTC
Awww bb! *hugs you back muchly* Thanks! You are way too sweet! I'm sorry you had to go through Kurt's situation as well! I totally believe that he, as well, wasn't worthy of someone as awesome as you either!

hahaha I'm not sure how I wanna take that. LOL for now I'm going to take it positively, but I'm not getting my hopes up either ahahahaha. Either way I'm still totally stoked for the next chapter!

*hugs you tightly*


keeper_of_stars November 2 2010, 20:06:34 UTC
:) *hugs you again* You're welcome. It's ok. I mean... I certainly didn't enjoy it. But it's in the past. And you're right, he wasn't worthy of me. He ended up being a not so nice person in the end. Hmph.

HAHA, good choice. I just got it back from my beta and she liked it as well. And that is always a good sign, lol. I can't wait to post it. :D

*hugs and hugs*


keeper_of_stars October 29 2010, 04:48:50 UTC
I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you so sad! *hugs*

Thank you.


shamelessbrie October 29 2010, 05:06:18 UTC
*hugs you back* Don't be sorry at all! Hehehe this way to wonderfully written! Don't apologize for awesome writing! That's an even bigger crime than wearing white after labour day!


keeper_of_stars November 2 2010, 20:07:59 UTC
*hugs again* I can't help it! I feel bad. :( But yay, I'm glad you think so!

LOL, no worries about me wearing white after labor day. I'm not a fan of wearing white (or light colors in general). :P


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