
Jul 01, 2009 21:00

A sartorial friend confessed to stealing one of my favorite Shia LaB pictures for his look book, which entertained me quite a bit, and got me perusing my own photo archives. For anybody with other things to worry about, a look book (or lookbook) can refer to a few different things but in my case is just a collection of influential fashion images. Now, when it comes to looking stylin' I can't claim much success, but I know what I like. I also recently discovered fatshionista, which has been at turns edifying and encouraging. Anyway, what I'm getting at here, is PICSPAMTIME!!!!1one

First though, it would feel weird going on with remarking on the death of MJ, but funnily enough I just happened across the a great retrospective of all of his styles over the years, so go check that out if you're so inclined. RIP, Michael. Shamon.

Now, on to the pretty pictures!

I've said it before and I'll probably say it again, I flove Google's archive of the photos from LIFE magazine. I've collected tons of images just by searching various whims.

Jane Fonda.

Marilyn Monroe. I'm pretty sure these are pictures that were only recently published for the first time.

Audrey Hepburn. Those shorts! That hat!

Sophia Loren.

Barack Obama and Jackie Kennedy.

I was so happy when paisley came back into style. Don't get me wrong, I've been wearing it all along, but it's easier to find now in more than "Grandma's Couch" pattern 1 and 2.

It's probably pretty apparent that my aesthetic taste tends toward the 60's/70's, but lately I've been kind of nostalgic for some classic 90's goodness. Remember the girls with belly shirts, bob haircuts and dark, matte lipstick? God, I wanted to pull that off.

There's actually a Halloween picture in one of my old yearbooks where me and a buddy are dead ringers for Kurt and Courtney there, except for I've got a doll and not an actual infant. As for why I'm not including said picture, well, not everyone is able to pull off such a literal fashion statement, and I must count myself in that number. For some people it's effortless:

Carla Gugino.

Zooey Deschanel.

Moving to more recent projects, I got a little crazy with the Modge Podge...After knocking over a stack of empty shoeboxes I've been stepping around, I went off with an Exacto knife and a handful of old Vogue magazines. Now I have a bunch of fancy boxes that I'm stepping around!

#1: Fairies!!!

I think this is my least favorite one. It's okay, I guess. I wanted to use the Prada fairies ads I like so much, and I had a bunch of these little fairie wall decals...I put Helena Bonham Carter on the bottom because she's always seemed so ethereal and fits in with the gloomy aesthetic of the Prada ad. Eh. Moving on.

#2: The colors, Duke! The colors!

This one I like, it's cheery! And those bubblegum pink die for.

#3: In Bloom

My initial inspiration was Penelope Cruz, then Balenciaga, and that finally led to flowers. Whatever, it's magazines stuck to a box.

#4: The Gloved One

On this one I tried using stuff with interesting patterns and colors for a first layer, before adding more stuff on top. Came out okay.

#5: Drew!

I'm a little sappy about this one. Obviously, I'm a packrat of epic proportions, being that I hang onto magazines and shoeboxes and assorted ephemera. One such category is a file full of old pictures of Drew Barrymore, that were collected and/or used for a collage that occupied a couple of my walls way back in high school. After picking out the ones I wanted to use here, I was able to justify getting rid of the rest of it once and for all, along with a bunch of other junk, but I also get to repurpose all these pictures that I've had since way back in the day. I mean, look at those GUESS ads! Remember what I said about the matte lipstick? <3

#6: I can never think "Kate" without adding "We have to go baaaaaaaaaaaack" which has nothing to do with this:

This is from a stash of pics that I pulled from magazines right at the height of the whole Cocaine Kate thing. I don't know if she's still in as many ads lately, but she sure wasn't having trouble booking gigs then. Here I've got ads from Chloe, Versace, Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Stella...and I can think of three other campaigns off the top of my head.

So! The next task is to organize crap INTO the boxes. It's either that or run the risk of being found trapped under a collapsed pile of magazines and knicknacks in a puddle of Modge Podge. Odds are probably about 50/50.

music, fashion, lost, art

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