magical mystery tour

Jun 18, 2009 23:05

Thanks to another sinus infection I got some magical elixir from the doctor, plus cold meds loop me anyway, so I've spent some time today feeling about as psychedelic as the new Weird Al video.

It's kind of a bummer that the only reason I've finally managed to catch up on posting Lunchbox pictures is that I'm not packing lunches as often as I'd like. I'm still eating at home, but there's eating at home and there's having the energy to make it cute.

These are Argentinean sandwiches de miga and a beef empanada. The cafe I get them from refers to the egg-filled versions as "mixtos", which otherwise seems to refer most often to a completely different type of Cuban sandwich. There's also a ham and cheese one.

You can see just a bit of the red pepper in the mixtos sandwiches here. I hate mayonnaise with a fierceness, but it works for me in these sandwiches since they use just the slightest hint rather than globs of gelatinous slime. I know the paprika makes the eggs look kinda freaky, but they need a little something to punch up the taste.

I actually took this salad out into the world! I didn't end up opening the can of tuna, but the veg held up well and was right delicious hours later. I'm experimenting with working out my own dressing mixes. It's a process.

Trying to mix it up a bit here, rather than taking a bunch of pictures and typing up a bunch of blah blah about it I made a couple of videos. You might remember my ultimate guide to green bean casserole...I haven't read it in awhile and I was interested to see how I make it differently now. I was just starting to use canned mushroom back then; now I'd rather probably rather use fresh ones or none at all over the canned ones, and I prefer to use fresh beans too.

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Another thing I was interested to find? Is that I apparently make everything sound like a question? Which I didn't realize I was quite so guilty of?

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Oh, I just remembered, I found this great old Hallmark recipe file book that includes a couple of vintage recipes of it's own. No publishing date's got a "green beans and mushrooms" recipe: Green beans, canned mushrooms and water chestnuts, flour, chopped onions, sour cream, Swiss cheese and crushed cornflakes. Honestly not too horrible, except for the use of Swiss cheese, which has such a strong flavor I can't imagine it meshing well with the other ingredients.

For my birthday, mom and I took a French Baking class at Sur La Table. Super fun. The tart made in class in on the left. One of the things I did in class was make the pasty cream you use as a base for the tart...I made it again at home for my own two, with the addition of a little bit of cajeta I had left in a tub. Oooh, you know what else would be good in there, is nutella! I copped out and didn't actually make a fancy pasty crust for mine, just a regular old graham cracker crust. I also used blackberry preserves rather than raspberry for the glaze, so that's why it looks...inky?

More birthday stuff, here are a few pictures from Disneyland:

One of my very best besties and I went down to Anaheim the night before so that we could get an early start on the parks the next day. We were able to get in early enough that we managed to ride Space Mountain without too much of a wait. Oh, speaking of not waiting in line, I was familiar with the wonderful secret known as "Indy Single Rider", but I never took better advantage of it that on this particular day. Seriously, waiting in the regular line for that ride is a total sucker's bet. We got on it twice in row inside of half an hour. Did you hear Shia was talking about Indy 5 this week??? Totally FTW. I can't wait for them to add a Mutt motorcycle sequence to the ride <3

You have to look pretty closely to see them, but over in California Adventure the roller coaster broke down ON TOP OF A HILL and the people had to walk down. They probably had the best view of the park anybody could imagine but it gave me the heebie jeebies just looking at it.

On the tram ride back to the car, there was a small child having a meltdown because quote I want that Mickey I wanted it I want that Mickey want Mickey I wanted it unquote. Later I decided that he was referring to one of the Mickey variations of these candy apples, and I was more sympathetic to his anguish. Granny smith dipped in caramel dipped in chocolate dipped in marshmallow rolled in sugar with marshmallow ears. On a stick. Epic.

lunchbox project, food, disneyland

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