
Jun 14, 2009 22:05

Some of you might know that it was my birthday this Wednesday. Less likely would be you knowing that it was also someone else's birthday this past week, but if you've spent any extended amount of time talking to me, have read my angstier entries or have noticed the giant Kingdom of the Crystal Skull piñata dominating my livingroom, you would not be surprised to hear that I made note of it.

Of course, I'm talking about Shia LaBeouf, polarizing motherfucker that he is. I have my theories as to why so many people are haters (present company excluded, of course, surely you have irrefutable reasons). This is a kid that waltzed through adolescence in a way most of us can only dream, and on the end of it he's been seemingly anointed as The Next Big Thing without anybody having had any say in it. And besides, just look at the kid...

Listen, I can't fault anybody whose douchebag alarms start pinging when they see something like that. I get it.

Very easy to dismiss as nothing more than a pretty face...and great hair...And yet, I have a fascination with the lad that goes above and beyond the ability to rock the fuck out of business formal.

Apologia, or just an excuse to post more pictures? Is there a difference?

Easiest to explicate is the common trait of multiethnicity, which, for better or worse, I have always found to be a dominant factor in my worldview. Just like the Prez and our future Supreme Court Justice, I'm all about the identity politics. How could I ignore the kid with the funny French name that turned out looking like a nice Jewish boy?

And another SoCal native to boot
And he even roots for the right team! (2009 NBA CHAMPIONS WHAT WHAT!)

And of course I can't discount the fact that despite having just turned at least a year past old enough to know better, I can't resist my fascination with people with bad habits and the sense to avoid them, but not the ability.

Call it the high-functioning dysfunctionals? The kind of people that can't keep from screwing themselves out of their license, but manage to get around on their Chevrolegs when that's what they've gotta do. I'm being metaphorical, here. I don't think it's working.

What it all comes down to, obviously, like with any celebrity obsession, is the empathy factor (LOL Supreme Court again). Imagining that sharing the circumstances of absentee dads that are addicts but generally okay dudes means some kind of ethereal connection. Reading quotes like "I have no idea where this insecurity comes from, but it's a God-sized hole. If I knew, I'd fill it, and I'd be on my way" and thinking about how you could have said it, or “I grew up with a bunch of hippies, and marijuana was always around” and thinking "gee, I wonder if he's got baby pictures like this?":

I hate to get all Electra complex, but looking at the pictures now, perhaps I need to reexamine whether I don't just have a weakness for dudes with the ability to sport a goofy mustache...


angst, celebrities, politics

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