This is my happening and it freaks me out!

Apr 09, 2008 04:54

I'm not sure whether or not this news means anything to anybody...but if anyone reading IS still from around here I gots a scoop for you. I just so happen to pass the marquee for the Edwards 10 in my daily travels and as soon as I saw it said "Flashback Films Coming June" I had to investigate. I thought it was going to mean they were becoming a discount theater since the attendance is always crap over there but it turns out they're devoting one of the screens to revival showings (still because the attendance is crap though). The guy mentioned The Goonies and The Wizard of Oz as examples of what they'll be running. Both of those have played at the New Beverly (in Hollywood) within the past year...hopefully this will be a hometown substitute for going there now that gas is eleven million dollars a gallon. Somehow I think the odds of catching Zoë Bell having a smoke break out in front will be significantly lower, however.

Still on the subject of the New Beverly, right at this moment I'm watching Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, which thanks to Edgar Wright's film fest back in December is now one of my favorite rock and roll movies ever. I've been wanting to write up a little review/recap of all the movies I saw last (and maybe eventually this!) year thanks to my "at least a movie a month" resolution for ages. I've got notes and graphics and everything! But of course the longer it stretches from when I've seen the movies the stupider it feels to do. But I need the practice of writing SOMETHING so I still hope to get started on it. I know from experience that the quickest way to ensure that the best laid plans fall through is to announce them, but what the hey. Movie reviews to come soon!

writing, music, movies

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