She's riding on razor's edge/She holds her own against the boys

Mar 30, 2008 15:00

Did anybody else love this week's new South Park as much as I did? I know I can't have been the only one who had the irresistible urge to watch Heavy Metal afterwards, because every Best Buy for 40 miles was sold out of it. Man, I loved that movie in high school. Must have rented it a half dozen times, and South Park totally did it justice. Ooh, and you can watch the uncensored version free at (along with every other past episode, pretty cool)!

Speaking of doing justice to things, when I couldn't get Heavy Metal I picked up The Mist collector's edition set. It came with a copy of the original novella, and having read it I now believe Frank Darabont might be the most talented adaptor-of-books-into-movies ever. I need to look out for a copy of The Green Mile for final confirmation of this theory, because I've never read that one. The Mist set includes a version of the movie in full black and white, calling it the "director's vision", that I'm very intrigued by. Next time there's a dark and spooky night, I know what I'll be watching.

tv, music, authors, movies

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