Yesterday I went to a barbecue in the South Bay at Ben and Juliet's place. They have moved down there for her summer internship at AMD and have set up their home in a well-shaded apartment complex with ample parking and a pool.
It was quite warm, though, with the temperature climbing into the 80s outside and easily ten degrees warmer indoors. It was cooler outisde on the balcony by the grill, where several of the guys took their turn cooking up meat (or, in one case, veggie burgers). It's funny how barbecuing is sort of a male thing, and they were all impressive cooks. Leon made kebobs, and Alex made these skewers of marinated beef. David cooked prawns/shrimp; Ben cooked sausages; and Pratik made quesadillas and veggie burgers.
But because the grill was small and they couldn't toss everything on it at once, it was in use for a full four hours. And we just kept eating. Eight hours, we were gone for this barbecue and we continually put things in our mouths for at least five of them.
I think I gained five pounds--one for each hour. But I didn't eat anything else the rest of the day and Leon and I went for a walk when we returned.
Some pictures:
Getting the cat drunk.
Louis attempts to entertain the cat.
David, Juliet, and Alex relax on the balcony.
The whole (okay, most of the) BBQ gang.