So I finished Hana Yori Dango season 2 this morning at around 2am. ^^;;
It was so amazing!
sleepyrenko, I think you're right - as hard as it is to believe, season 2 is even better than the first season!
Maybe it's the fact that Doumyouji and Tsukushi's relationship is already established - well, sort of - from the beginning of this season. Maybe it's the incredibly sweet - yet never cheesy - moments. Maybe it's the hilarious bits of comedy ("A personal maid?... "Oh, Doumyouji-sama!"). Maybe it's the insert song, "The Flavor of Life," that I am now determined to memorize. Maybe it's the insightful bits of wisdom that are scattered throughout the series ("The flavor of love...").
Maybe it's all of the above!
In any case, I have to say that I'm glad I waited to watch the second season. For one, I didn't have to worry about squeezing it in between big assignments. For another, I didn't have to wait for new episodes. It was a HYD-filled weekend. Memorable. Wonderful. Unbelievable.
Or, as Tsukushi likes to say, 「ありえないつーの!」