Random thoughts:
I can hardly believe it. Only two full days left and then I take off Thursday morning. Still a good amount to be done, but I'm feeling good about what I've accomplished thus far.
Tomorrow is our second anniversary. We'll be heading to Saga for some Indian food. It will be super tasty. I'm gonna wear a pretty purple dress.
Yesterday, a small group of the folk around here went to go visit a beautiful waterfall. We were lucky enough to go last summer and one more time before going home. Check it out.
As always, you can see all of them here
http://squizneak.myphotoalbum.com/ if you wants to.
Fpr every nice one
There have to be two goofy ones!
The two guys who went with us: Justin and Glen. Glen is a fellow Washingtonian! There are four of us in the area. Small world.
And my friend Tomomi
More fun and exercise than we've had in a good long time. When we got home we were so pooped that we accidentally took a three hour nap and woke up at nine. Whoops. After that, we were good and awake until like three. Ah well. We'll fall into normal sleeping schedules when we come home -- probably.
And as I've developed a semi-habit of sharing funny clips...
For your viewing pleasure: Barats and Bareta in "MANtage" (guuchi guuchi guuchi) Ha ha, I still laugh every time I see this.
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