I'm super bored at the moment. Maurice zonked out early tonight due to never sleeping and then lying down on the bed for just a second because he had a stomach ache from dinner. Seconds later BAM, out like a light. Boy, he needs it though.
I like the bit Jerry Sienfeld did on 'the night guy'. It went something like this: Night Guy wants to stay up all night doing things (in Maurice's case: watching tv, playing video games, surfing the net, reading the news, etc). There's so much to get done and sleep is a waste of Night Guy's precious time. Who cares if he's tired the next day? That's Morning Guy's problem. Night Guy doesn't care at all about Morning Guy, but Morning Guy hates Night Guy. However, by evening, Morning Guy has morphed in to Nigh Guy and the cycle continues.
Yeah, that was not funny like it was when I saw it on Seinfeld, but you get the point. When I heard that sketch, I laughed pretty hard because it perfectly describes my honey.
Anyways, since I sleep in everyday, I'm not tired until later. Since I spend all afternoon on the computer Maurice generally has it when he gets home from work. However, when I get computer time in the evenings (as I do when Maurice crashes early on occassion), I tend to be pretty perky and Night Guy-like too. So here I am, trying to entertain myself until I get sleepy enough to actually sleep.
I got tired of looking at bedding and bedframes online, have already looked at cell phones to death, and the same goes for cars. The only home stuff I have to really worry about now is packing, which I've already done (practice packed) my things AND Maurice's. Everything else that needs to be done has to wait until I'm home.
So, here's me sitting at the computer, minus my normal internet past times of late (looking at apartments, cell phones, jobs, cars, and home decorating related things). I even grew tired of Facebook! I reread all of my closer friends' pages, looked at new pictures, spent awhile commenting on my brother's pictures, and finally realized I couldn't do more there. Gasp. I didn't even have new pictures to upload.
Off to Transbuddha.com I went. It's a great blog with entertaining stuff of it that Maurice ran across some time ago. I hadn't checked it in a long while and found some good stuff on there. My favorite find of this evening I'm going to share with you in case you were bored enough to reach this point.
I've never actually played World of Warcraft, but I've heard enough (a LOT) about it to find this internet show a hoot. I also like the characters. Who hasn't known at least ONE person who is like one of these characters (or are like one of the characters yourself? Hmmm?)? Good times. I watched all ten episdoes. Now after updating here, I must go find something else to do for awhile. Maybe I'll watch an episdoe of Scrubs. How I love that show...
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I'll be home in eight days!