Around here we call that "grace"

Dec 23, 2005 02:42

So This Is What the Week Has Shown Me...

- "Malcom in the Middle" is good.
- Things aren't great right now, but I'm getting a lot better at suriving them, I think.
- Christmas is coming quickly, but this past week feels like it's taken a month to go by.
- I miss being at school... but not the schoolwork.
- Work is like a sucubus draining my life force.
- I might have to punch out a co-worker for being *way* too touchy. And quite annoying.
- Cray-pas are some of the best things I've ever purchased and have helped me maintain sanity.
- I want to leave the country again desperately... more than I have in a while. I was not meant for the cold. I'm too small and winter sucks.
- An exception to the previous statement: I still think snow rocks. At least occasionally and when it's not slush.
- I miss Australia. Oh, so much. And I miss my flatmates and other friends I made there.
- Allergies suck. So does not being able to quiet the mind when trying to sleep.
- I'm so fucking lost right now it's not even funny. But I guess it is to some extent because I can't help but laugh at it.

It's been a tiring week. Worked for most of it, but the rest wasn't too bad. Hung out with Mike Tuesday night, so that was nice. We made a trip to Barnes and Noble and then took over his living room to watch "Office Space". And now, after 8 straight days of work, I have the next 4 off, as well as Wednesday because my mother is buying the family tickets to see "Spamalot"! We're also going to Utica from Christmas Eve until the 26th, which I'm quite excited about. I miss my family and nowhere do I sleep better than when I'm in my grandparent's house. It's exactly what I need right now. Umm... guess that's about it. This was a relatively random entry, but I care not. Later all.
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