Dec 14, 2005 03:33
So I've learned that sleeping well is a skill that I'm just currently lacking. Bedtime has made its way to around 7, 8, 9 am. So, I might just stay up all night and see where that gets me. Maybe I'll be tired tomorrow night if I do.
I got home Saturday night so that we could get our tree on Sunday. That went pretty well and we found a decent one somewhere in NY, chopped it down, dragged it back, and decorated it in a mildly festive fashion. We just put on the tinsel tonight, though, so now it's really done.
I finished my last piece of work for the semester last night, sent it to a friend to print, and just assumed it worked out. The semester from hell is over, which means a bit of relief, but also uneasiness. It still doesn't mean that everything will suddenly get all nice and laid out over the winter. I need to make some cash, so I should call Whole Foods, which means misery. But as sitting around the house would be miserable enough, I figure that misery with money is better than misery by itself. Agreed? Good.
Yesterday, I got to see Jamie and Dean! We headed to the the Plaza to get some Christmas shopping done and then met up with Rob who was in need of guidance in picking out a decent shirt for the company party. I'm quite pleased with our decision and I think he is, too. It was good to see friends. Hoping to do much more of it this winter. I need people I'm still close to right now to make all the other ones matter a little bit less.
I'm almost positive I had more to say, but I don't recall. I'm just bored and no one's up. The last few days at school really sucked, but I spent one of them drinking and another sleeping, so in retrospect it really wasn't all bad. I still haven't registered for classes next semester, but I don't know what to take. It looks like a minor isn't happening, but I'm also done with all requirements, so I think I'll just take a light course load so I can focus on my thesis and make some cash someplace. That'd be ideal.
Anywho, the rest of you people need to come home! My semester ended quite early in comparison to many others', so there aren't a lot of people currently in Jersey. And now, I'm gonna go find something to occupy myself for another while. Maybe a movie, though I don't feel like sitting still. I could clean. That'd be a nice surprise for everyone to wake up to. Hope December's going well for everyone. Umm... bye!