My weekend!

Jun 21, 2009 16:19

Or: Why you shouldn't let JETs loose in downtown Kobe.

Saturday was fricken busy. -_-x These past two weekends have been, actually. I've gotten up at 7:45 for them, anyway. Yesterday I did so so I could be to Sogoundokoen to watch the track and field team. I thought they were doing a race, but it was all and out track and field. So I only got to watch one race (hurdles) before I had to leave to get to my school, since I said I would take part in the faculty volleyball tournament.

So I left my girls at 10:30, high-tailed it in hot hot weather to my school almost half an hour away, and got there in time to, uh, wait until we played. -_-x I didn't even really play--they subbed me in to serve a few times, and that was it. But I cheered with other teachers! We had pink pom-poms and everything. >.> And we won, so that meant we played again on Sunday.

So the game ended around 2, and then I booked it to Harborland to do some last-minute shopping for my costume. I found the skirt I wanted (short, pleated, schoolgirl-esque) in a used clothing shop and headed back home, which gave me two hours to dick around and relax before I had to leave at 6 to pick something up in Sannomiya which I forgot to get.

I left at 6 with Julia, both in costume (I was Fetish Girl--I lure in perverts and defeat them for great justice!--and she was Batgirl). We got soooo many stares and catcalls, but whatever. I bought cat ears for my outfit, but gave them to another JET since she had no costume.

So, the costumes. Last night we had a scavenger hunt, and each team had a theme. Ours was superheroes. We had Fetish Girl, Batgirl, Batwoman, Super Boy, Casey Jones, Captain Post-it, Goku and Phantom Pixie and Catwoman. Basically we ran around downtown for three hours making asses of ourselves and finding clues/taking pictures. All of which are on Facebook.

That finished around 11 and I got home a bit before 12 and totally crashed.

Today was a bit less hectic. Still got up at 7:45 to get to my school to meet my teachers for the volleyball game by 9. Got there and my JTE was all "I was wrong, we're supposed to meet at the other school," so we drove there. And got lost. A projected 18 minute drive took 50, but we got there before we played, at least. I nearly fell asleep a few times while the rival schools played each other. ^^; But we got second place because the other team was INSANE DEMONS (seriously, all young male teachers what were good at sports HOW UNFAIR IS THAT), but it was fun. Apparently another JET has played that team three years straight, and they never lose. I wanted to kick their asses. Then we went out for lunch, and I finally got home around 2:30.

And have been vegging ever since, with the fan on high and my balcony door open. And I'm still grody hot.

But FMA is in half an hour so yay~

squeak is a dork, life, japan, jet

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