(no subject)

Oct 03, 2008 19:04

So I'm finally getting off my ass and reading Soul Eater like I started to a while ago, and I totally love Black*Star. Mainly because of his "Starting now, we'll start an advanced conversation centered on me!" line.

And his over gratuitous use of stars, including in his name.

Granted, I'm only on chapter, like, 2, so maybe my mind will change. But he makes me smile. And this is a perfect example of why I like him so much. ♥♥

Oh, and Tsubaki is hot.

Also, I kinda gotta read a manga called Soul Eater. I mean, it's mandatory. *points to icon*


I was wrong. Tsubaki is many forms of hot, and her and Masamune totally give me a Hyuuga vibe. >.> Yay for flashbacks with little kids kinda sorta getting along only to try to kill each other later~


And Black*Star makes me imagine what he would be like to write and/or play.

recs, random, manga

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