So it's been awhile since I made a real update.
The weekend went well. Saturday was in Sannomiya for the scavenger hunt. Had a lot of fun running around like an idiot (and it was very idiotic to go to Harborland on foot). But I dressed like a school girl! Someday you may see the purikuri pictures. Today is not that day. >.> Unfortunately we didn't get to break in on a karaoke room, though. I guess one team did.
Sunday was church in Sannomiya. I tried to record some singing with my phone, but it only allows 15 seconds and I gotta transfer it to the SD card. So...I have no idea if it picked up anything other than my bad singing.
Tuesday I celebrated Rosh Hashanah. There's a JET here in Gak who's Jewish and she invited us over. She played the ram's horn (on the internet) and sang the song and did the prayer and she says Hebrew is easier than Japanese but I don't believe her at all. After the prayer she got out the food and we ate everything. >.> Apples + bread + honey = yum~ There was sweet wine too, but I just had grape juice water. It's actually really good.
Last night was kyuudou, which I suck at. -_-x Seriously, the guy spent half an hour fixing my form and berating me. And them him and another guy watched me like a hawk for the rest of the practice. Apparently I am a danger to myself and others? But they did help and my arm didn't hurt afterwards like it did last week. And I guess in two weeks we upgrade to arrows. ^^; I probably will not.
Also, I don't care how stupid it sounds, but Noriko is totally my hero right yet. I wish I had some magic power or something so I could learn what everyone's saying around me. Granted it took her like 6 months and she's a manga character but still. ;_;
じゃあ、ひさしぶり。 週末はよかった。 土曜日は scavenger hunt しに三宮へ行きました。 楽しかったけどバカみたいに走った。 でもスクールガールのふくをきりました~ いつかプリクリの写真を見るかもしれない。 今日はその日じゃない。
日曜日は三宮のきょうかい。 歌を記録したけど15秒だけ。 たぶんちょっとわるいけど。。。
火曜日は Rosh Hashanah でした。 友だちと一緒に祝いました。 りんごとパンとハチミツを食べました。 とてもおいしかった~ 友だちはワインを飲んだけどジュースを飲みました。
昨夜は弓道。 まだ下手だけど。。。 でもたくさん習いました。 2週に矢を使いかもしれない。 たぶんあたしじゃない。。。^^;
やっぱり日本語はまだ下手。 -_-x
Half of that I am totally unsure of, especially the kamoshirenai because I couldn't remember how you conjugate the verb to use it. Or if I'm using it in the right context. -_-x And the "run around like an idiot" thing too.