For Spaz

Nov 25, 2007 13:53

He never really cared much for gardening; in fact, it was quite boring all things considered. No movement, no action, no noise. Doing something for the sake of peace and quiet simply eluded Kiba.

But he did enjoy watching Hinata, and she enjoyed sitting in that little patch of flowers and herbs and toiling away for something that would never love her back.

“…What’re those seeds for?”

She looked up at him, a small smile on her face. “…Chrysanthemums…” Kiba wasn’t quite sure why she was blushing a little at that, though. “They’re very pretty…”

“Hm, I’ll take your word for it.” He watched her a little longer before the curiosity got the best of him. “Why’d you blush?”

She glanced back at him. “I-I didn’t realize I had…”

“You did.”

“Ah, well…” She fiddled with the ground some more, covering over the little seeds. “Do you…know the meaning of flowers…?”

Kiba blinked, confused. Since when did flowers have meanings? “No, not really.” He paused. “…What’s the meaning of this one?” And why would it make her blush just thinking about it?

Hinata focused on the ground for a few more moments before standing slowly. Her smile was soft and shy as she looked at Kiba. “…I’ll lend you my book so you can look it up, alright?”


She smiled again and then leaned up to kiss his cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

Kiba watched her go, a confused look on his face. When she was gone he glanced down at the little mounds of dirt covering the seeds and smiled.

Well, whatever it was, he couldn’t really see anything wrong with it.

...When I looked it up, the site said that flower means "found love." So uh... I hope is ok.

kibahina, ficcage, spaz is love, naruto

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