
Nov 24, 2007 14:20

...Hiyono is the savior of the Blade Children. It's so freaking obvious. Not only is she cool and the only one I don't want to smack upside the head, the random "hey let's switch to her for a panel real quick for no reason" gives it away.

At least she damn well better be. The more people kiss Kiyotaka's and Ayumu's asses for no apparent reason (well there is a reason, but I just don't see it is all. Oooh wow they's smrt!!11) the more I want her to just pwn them all.

And have Kousuke and Ryouko hook up. And Hiyono and Kanone.

...Also, I read the past few chapters but I don't think I understand anything I read. The words vaguely made sense but then kinda just...slipped away. Holy long-windedness Batman!

spiral, manga

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