Had a really fun time the other night, because I logged onto MSN and at first I ended up group chatting with Chris, William Hobbit and Andrew, my old coursemates. I really miss them sometimes... Chris with his super-duper hentainess (I never knew that someone could reach the ultimate level, but Chris, he's your man! XD), and William's cute reactions (he looks like a Japanese samurai (bishie kind) + tiny hobbit XDXD). Then after that was done, I was added into ANOTHER group chat, this time they are all my classmates... 10 ppl in all! Each of us wailing about assignments, talking crap and generally teasing each other like idiots. Felt really happy, I don't know why!!! Because even though we're in the same class, we are not *that* close, but that moment, I didn't want the conversations to end!!
More! more! Erm, after next week I suppose XDXD
Did a countdown + trailer for Porco Rosso! Spent a day or two on the trailer, extracting from DIVX->MPEG then cutting out scenes, then rearranging them. But a big chunk of that was due to slow laggy pc, and only about 3 hours for the countdown. But I like the countdown (It's the biplane!!!) Damn simple though.
I couldn't find a action-song in their OST, so I did a sad lonely longing kind of trailer. My lect is all like, "Why you like to do sad stuff?"
Can't help it?
Presentation for "Gypsies in the Sky" animation this Friday, and I'm barely at 50%. Anyhoo, have already told my lects that I can't finish on time... same with Kez. I think we're the only two in the class doing 2d animation (in motion graphics. ZB is doing 2d animation in flash AKA vector based).
Haven't touch my 3d for a week ++, luckily my lect pushed the dateline to next week! (Can procrastinate to this Friday, hahaha)
Some little prick stole the electricity cables at the neighbourhood station, and caused us residents to suffer from a 9 hour blackout. Pretty common, but just never thought it'll happen here =(((. Feel damn pissed, because I slept early and rose early to do my work to find that there's no electricity. Came back around 3pm, and went off again around 10-11pm.
I recalled ranting abt going to the station with a baseball bat to chase the thieves like a mad woman, but luckily the power came back in about 30 minutes. Wait, no need a bat. Some water will do. Yum. Someone suggests their removal of reproductive organs. Ganas betul, XDXD.
JK obviously.
Madie is still as cute as ever, Mocha as whiny, Mylo as bitchy XDXD.
nekoboy86 Gomen nasai for that day, I wasn't in a good mood. But will prolly be busy for another week I suppose... MACAMMANA DEMAM ENGKAU NI??? (okay, I forgot the malay word for sore throat/cough)