Part 2 of Sipman's Friday MeMe

Jan 24, 2009 07:44

Enjoy :)

1. I've come to realize that my last kiss... will always be with my kids

2. I am listening to... Phineas and Ferb

3. I talk... animatedly

4. I love... I love - I think that says it all

5. My friends... talk when I don't feel like talking

6. My first real kiss... was when my lips touched the heads of each of my children

7. Marriage is... intricate

8. Somewhere, someone is thinking... whose that laughing?

9. I'll always... laugh, when appropriate, when not appropriate, and loudly

10. I have a secret crush… crushes aren’t secret, affairs are.

11. The last time I cried was because... my son was crying

12. When I wake up in the morning... I open the shades and look for the sun

13. Before I go to bed I... pray (me too sipman)

14. Right now I am thinking about... my cat, he’s on my lap, he’s purring, and he’s not getting any younger.

15. Babies are... for my husband, he loves babies - the kids are for me, I love the walking and talkng and laughing and hugging

16. I get on Myspace... what?

17. Today I... ate the best chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting. Seriously.

18. Tonight I will... dream too much and sleep too little

19. Tomorrow I will be... enjoying my “stay home day”

20. I really want... more laughter
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