Not what they'd had in mind for the night

Mar 28, 2009 14:00

Location: Great Hall
Week: 29
Time: Evening, night, and morning - for reference, it is Wednesday going into Thursday in-game
Rating:  PG to PG13 for now
Notes: Explanation is HERE. Please read it all! And friend the journal if you haven't already. - This log will be in party style. Someone starts a thread and someone else replies. Don' ( Read more... )

❧sunako nakahara, ❧ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, ❧kristoph gavin, ❧seifer almasy, ❧haruhi suzumiya, ❧diego "godot" armando, ❧rhyme bito, ❧sasuke uchiha, ❧mia fey, ❧pallas olbers, ❧toph bei fong, ❧naruto uzumaki, ❧pit icarus, ❧katara, ❧link virtus, !event, ❧ichigo kurosaki, ❧ikkaku madarame, ❧iroh fu tsanglung, ❧maya fey, ❧rangiku matsumoto, ❧tidus ascalon, ❧orihime inoue, ren honjo, ❧quistis trepe, ❧shalice tilman-sinclair, ❧shikamaru nara, ❧larxene smith

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bring_me_sake March 28 2009, 20:32:56 UTC
Rangiku was not happy. She's barely gotten out of the bath when she heard about what was going on, and right now she was hardly best dressed for this kind of thing, barefoot and in hastily thrown on robes (her nightgown, even better), with her hair still damp. At least she'd managed to heard all the Hufflepuffs - even the uncooperative ones - down to the Great Hall, and she was on alert, carefully scanning the room.

The clothes thing just made it more uncomfortable.

"Couldn't this have happened before my bath?" she asked no-one in particular.


berry_of_death March 28 2009, 20:46:19 UTC
"Che. Hogwarts gets like that." Ichigo walked over to his Head of House, arms crossed and scowl even deeper than usual. "Oi, Professor, what's going on?"


bring_me_sake March 28 2009, 21:28:58 UTC
She knew that voice anyway. "Kurosaki," the Charms professor said with a smile, albeit a slightly tired one. "No one really knows." Glancing around a little to keep an eye on the mass of students, she sighed. "Don't you worry though. Well take care of it, okay?"


berry_of_death March 28 2009, 22:03:39 UTC
Ichigo grunted slightly, scanning the masses of students. Nothing. " didn't see Inoue when you were clearing everyone out, did you?" he asked, oddly quiet for the black look on his face. A younger student shied away from the dark glare on his face.


bring_me_sake March 28 2009, 22:39:40 UTC
"I made sure all the Hufflepuffs were in here," Rangiku affirmed, "and no one's leaving without us knowing about it." She gave him a gentle smile, watching him for a moment. Typical Hufflepuff, of course. "She's in here, Ichigo. Try not to worry too much." An eyebrow arched. "Or scare the young ones too much, hmm?"


berry_of_death March 28 2009, 22:55:04 UTC
"E-eh?" Ichigo blinked, scowl dropping for a moment as he turned to stare at Matsumoto. He looked away again, scratching the back of his head. "N-nah, I'm not worried about her. She's a big girl and all. Just not the most - she probably thinks this guy is some sort of alien looking for a place to stay or something, ya know?" In his not-worry about Orihime, he forgot to address the other part of what the Professor had said.


bring_me_sake March 28 2009, 23:28:31 UTC
Rangiku nodded. "Hime has an interesting way of looking at things, doesn't she?" Her eyes swept the room again and she sighed, leaning back against the door she was guarding. The Charms professor's smile was still fond though, at the mention of her fellow Hufflepuff. "She won't be able to go offering shelter to any aliens though. I promise." The smile became every so slightly playful. "So you can keep not-worrying, ne?"

At least she could offer some comfort. Despite the kind tone an the unfortunate attire, Rangiku was still on guard.


berry_of_death March 28 2009, 23:41:36 UTC
"Tch. Interesting's one word for it." Orihime's way of looking at things had Ichigo spending half his time worrying about what she was getting herself into. Or not-worrying.

He offered his Head of House a faint grin back. He'd had his ass handed to him by her enough times in Duelling Club to understand just how well she knew her stuff. "Thanks, Professor."


bring_me_sake March 30 2009, 01:56:16 UTC
"Do you have a better one, Ichigo?" Her tone was close to teasing, although in truth her mood was anything but ( ... )


berry_of_death March 30 2009, 08:23:07 UTC
"I could probably think of something," he muttered.

Ichigo hadn't even noticed Matsumoto's apparel. He wasn't one for taking in people's appearances at the best of times, and the chaos in the Hall was definitely not the best of times. It was probably a good thing. Ichigo tended to choke horribly when faced with anything more feminine than the school uniform.

Briefly, his scowl dissipated as she reprimanded the student. "Byakuya? That's a little harsh, don't you reckon?" He was about to reply to her other comment when a flash of orange caught his eye. His frown slammed back into place before he realised that it actually was Orihime this time.

"...I should probably check on her," he said, unconsciously trying to make it sound like a chore.


bring_me_sake March 30 2009, 21:04:24 UTC
She chuckled at that. "Probably," Rangiku agreed, amused by his muttering.

A comment about Byakuya being wonderful, fun company was on the tip of her tongue, but she noticed his distraction upon sighting Orihime and smiled knowingly. "You'd better get to it then," she said encouragingly. "I'll keep an eye on the other lot."


berry_of_death April 1 2009, 03:30:22 UTC
Ichigo shoved a hand into a pocket, giving the Professor a casual wave with the other before it went the same way as he wandered off towards Orihime.


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