I feel pretty, and witty, and... well, you get the idea. [Closed]

Mar 09, 2009 00:25

Name(s): puppetpallas & xoxfisheye
Location: Gryffindor Dorms
Day: 27
Time: Before dinner.
Rating: G for Girly

Pallas was happy. She was happy that Fisheye was going to make her pretty. She didn't know why she was happy about that. She did like being the center of attention. Being pretty helped with that. This all began with a conversation she'd had during the weird gender switching curse that hit the school. Talking to Naruto about her appearance made her wonder about a few things.

She didn't often think about looking pretty or impressing anyone with her appearance. She simply dressed cute, looked cute, and figured that was all she needed. Now, she was curious, and a curious Pallas takes action. But she needed help. Always up to the task, a Gryffindor had volunteered to help her once again. Well, they were good for that, and some of them weren't so bad. Maybe she'd actually make a friend. If not, she had plenty of tricks up her sleeves.

Skipping along the corridors, Pallas made her way to the Gryffindor painting, waiting around to be let in. She had a fair idea how to get herself in, but that would be giving away a little secret of hers. There was nothing gained by using that now.

❧pallas olbers, ❧fisheye

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