Name(s): Rangiku, Ed, possibly Al, Sakura and Mitani later?
Location: Charms classroom
Day: 28
Time: After classes
Rating: Ed default + rage!factor. ...?
There were certain things Rangiku was prepared to deal with on a regular basis. Unenthusiastic students, stubborn coworkers and even the ever-dreaded sake shortage were situations she was prepared to deal with. Even when she was an Auror, she had known how to handle most things, or at least been with someone whose lead she could follow.
Right now she wasn't really sure what to do, and neither was anyone else. But they'd already sat around for far too long, and Ed was hurting. People in pain was never okay, but when it was her student - a child - then it was worse. It went beyond responsibility.
Sitting in her office, the tension turning her body rigid would have been obvious to anyone used to her usual relaxed manner, her eyes unfocused as she stared out the window. A large demonstration dummy she'd managed to get hold of was propped against the wall, awaiting whatever fury might be unleashed on it. So far, her plan was to talk to Ed, or at least give him some way to vent the intense emotions. Rangiku sighed. She'd do whatever she could, but right now it seemed like all she could do was wait. And that just wasn't enough.