Costume Ball - OPEN for ALL

Oct 27, 2010 03:23

WHO: Ciel Phantomhive, open to everyone
LOCATION: The Grand Room on the 4th Floor
WEEK: 69
TIME: Wednesday, 6pm-Onward
WHAT: Costume Ball!
RATING: Nothing too bad.
NOTES: Feel free to specify where the threads are taking place in the subject line of your comments. Threads can also be set earlier or later than the specified time frame. Everybody have fun ( Read more... )

grell sutcliffe, hikaru shidou, washu kobayashi, mulan fa, ritsuka aoyagi, quistis trepe, botan wakahisa, seifer almasy, szayel aporro granz, oc - brietta sullivan, ❧nanao ise, akira maeda, chourou hunter, sebastian michaelis, kaoru hitachiin, ❧demyx arpeggio, asch grants, massie block, ataru moroboshi, yuiko hawatari, eagle vision, rikku malik-howell, yoichi hiruma, ❧xerxes break, zell dincht, claude faustus, belle desrosiers, lucy heartphilia, ciel phantomhive, ❧orihime inoue, jack vessalius, leoben conoy

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Bobbing for Apples; Hikaru & Open! legendary_fire October 27 2010, 08:05:22 UTC
"Oh wow! They must have really worked hard on this!" Hikaru exclaimed as she made her way into the room. She marveled at the various decorations, and costumes. When she'd received the impromptu invitation days prior she didn't really know what to expect, having never really met or spoken to Ciel. He must be a really nice guy, to go to all this trouble.

The enthusiastic redhead made her way to the party games eager to start having some fun. For tonight's affair she managed to acquire a gypsy costume; all thanks to another student's help. Spying the apples bobbing up and down in a basin of water she stepped over to try her hand at it.

She stood there for a few moments planning her angle of attack.

"It can't be all that hard, can it...?" Hikaru encouraged herself leaning closer to the tub.


Bobbing for Apples; Hikaru & Open! unyieldingwill October 27 2010, 08:46:26 UTC
“Is Hikaru-chan any good at bobbing for apples?”

Suddenly Eagle appears at Hikaru’s side as if he had been standing there the entire time… though he had really only just arrived at this game. He too leans a little closer to the apples floating around in the clear water, before backing off without trying for any.

“I’ll cheer you on, if you are going to try and catch one of those.”


legendary_fire October 27 2010, 10:55:00 UTC
"Hikaru-- chan?". It had been a while since anyone had employed that suffix when referring to her. Even the other Japanese students seemed content to leave those off. Hikaru however smiled brightly when she saw who it was pleased that Eagle felt comfortable enough to use "chan". "Eagle!". Straightening her posture, she lay a finger aside her face looking thoughtful. "What a great costume! I never would have thought of that!". Eagle looked just like--! That guy, from that band? What was his .. name..?

Then she looked back at the apples, "Actually I've never tried it before".

"Will you really?! Thanks! I need all the help I can get!".


unyieldingwill October 27 2010, 18:06:35 UTC
“And Hikaru-chan is a gypsy. I wouldn’t have thought of that!”

Thinking nothing of throwing the familiar ‘chan’ suffix into the conversation… even though he had only met the young lady a few times previously. Hikaru was however in an exclusive club, since Eagle usually just used a person’s first name regardless of rank or level of familiarity.

“I think the trick is to try and pin the apple to the bottom of the tub before attempting to capture it.” A smile before adding, “Good luck!”


legendary_fire October 27 2010, 21:53:00 UTC
"I was pretty surprised when I first decided on it too! There were so many options".

She listened attentively to all the tips Eagle could provide. Pin it to the bottom? How deep is the basin.... She peered over the edge again. It didn't look that deep, so maybe. "Thank you! Here goes nothing!". She almost dunked into the water before ear earrings tapped against the side of her face. "I better remove these first. I wouldn't want them to fall off or anything".

She quickly unclipped them and held them out to Eagle. "Will you hold these for me real quick?".


unyieldingwill October 27 2010, 22:28:01 UTC
Eagle held out a gloved hand, courteously taking those earrings for safe keeping until Hikaru resurfaced. He silently wondered how successful she would be at this game, but finally decided that if she wanted to win bad enough she would keep trying until she succeeded. Hikaru seemed like that kind of person.

He will just be taking a step back now… an attempt to stay out of the ‘splash zone’.


legendary_fire October 28 2010, 02:25:35 UTC
She thanked him before rubbing her hands together and stealing her resolve. Placing a hand on either side of the tub, she took one last solid breath of air before diving right in. The apple she'd been aiming for had floating away when the water's surface had been disturbed. it rolled through the water mockingly. Struggling to catch up with it she had to resurface early, gasping for a breath.

With a few more tries she drew closer to her goal. This was harder than it looked!

Eventually she emerged with an apple held firmly in her teeth. Removing it with one hand she smiled, and shook the water off like a dog. "I got one!".


unyieldingwill October 28 2010, 03:07:17 UTC
far enough away…
after all…

Eagle realized too late for it to do him any good.
With a free hand he reached up and wiped the stray water drops off of his face. He had been prepared for the minor splashing of a typical bobbing for apples maneuver… not the frantic flailing of a dog-style shake off.

Still he smiled at the girl and her captured apple, “Congratulations Hikaru.”


legendary_fire October 29 2010, 17:52:56 UTC
She caught sight of Eagle wiping away the water droplets and she sheepishly replied, "Sorry about that. I guess I got carried away". Though he didn't seem the slightest bit upset with her. "Thanks! What you said earlier really came in handy!". She beamed and held out a hand for the earrings. "I can take those off your hands now".

"Was there anything you wanted to try?".


unyieldingwill October 29 2010, 21:00:28 UTC
Eagle teased holding one of the earrings up to his own ear first, “If you think they don’t fit me at all…?”
… before handing both pieces of jewelry back to Hikaru.

Anything he wanted to try…? Well, he hadn’t really thought about that very much so the question for a moment was puzzling.

“I really didn’t have anything in mind. I just saw you over here and came to say hello.” Turning it on you then, “Was there anything else you wanted to try?”


legendary_fire November 2 2010, 01:01:48 UTC
Hikaru giggled at the very idea, "Well, with that costume they might!". The earrings, like most of her costume had been borrowed for the evening. She'd also had to had them transfigured into clip-ons since her ears hadn't been pierced.

Oh oops! She'd assumed that since he'd come over here that he'd intended on spending more time with her. She rather sheepishly replied, "Oh, well-- you don't have to keep me company if you had something else in mind". Hikaru really didn't know if Eagle had planned on meeting anyone here or not.

Though.. she did want to try making a spooky story line by line too!


unyieldingwill November 2 2010, 02:44:21 UTC
If I had something else in mind…?
Did she think…? Oh!

“I have to play a game with Ciel later… but other than that I don’t have any plans.” With a ‘did you really want to know this’ kind of smile he added, “I’m not waiting for anyone.”

Maybe something like that was presumptuous to assume. That she might really want to know if he was looking for anyone special. But, he hadn’t asked anyone to come to this ball with him and… some how… he felt like letting her know about that.
Hmm… but maybe she was looking for someone?

“How about you, Hikaru? Maybe you are waiting for someone important?”
And he can totally say something like that with out a hint of embarrassment or apprehension.


legendary_fire November 5 2010, 18:28:38 UTC
"A game?" She blinked a few times, "What kind of a game?". Surprisingly, Eagle knew just what Hikaru had been wondering. Some of the other attendees had come with dates, so it wasn't beyond the realm that Eagle had come with one too, or if nothing else he may have agreed to attend with some friends. His answer seemed to indicate otherwise though.

"Who, me?" Hikaru pointed to herself with one index finger and whipped her head back and forth to either side, to see if there had been another Hikaru he was addressing. She laughed a little and placed that same arm behind her head sheepishly. "N-no. I wasn't waiting for anyone important at all!".


unyieldingwill November 5 2010, 22:06:02 UTC
“It’s the most interesting kind of game there is!” S-M-I-L-E, “A game of strategy…”

Clearly it was going to be that kind of game no matter what kind of party activity was really going to occur. Who knows… maybe they were already playing?

But, more importantly at the moment.

“No one asked a cute girl like you to this party?” And now you will be teased… “Or maybe you had so many invitations that you had to turn them all down to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings?”


legendary_fire November 29 2010, 06:31:49 UTC
"Strategy?" There seemed to be more to this game then Eagle was letting on.. hmm it must really be a fun game!

"Cute girl?" She exclaimed sharply pointing to herself. "You.. mean me?". Who else could he have meant. Feeling a little embarrassed to have been both complimented AND put on the spot Hikaru averted her gaze downward. "No no no, it's nothing like that". A tinger of pink crept onto her cheeks.


unyieldingwill November 29 2010, 08:18:45 UTC
Since you shouldn’t be involved anyway he will just let that strategy question drop without saying anything more about it.

“Hasn’t anyone ever called you cute before?” Truly shocked… or maybe he is feigning it, “Some one must have mentioned that before.”

And since it has to be said, “You are even cuter when you blush!”


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