You said you wanted to see Paris

Aug 16, 2010 12:14

WHO: Lilith Dupond and Jayne Cobb. Possibly open later on.
LOCATION: Slytherin Common Room! And other places!
WEEK: 64
TIME: Thursday morning!
WHAT: They are stuck together. This should be hilarious. And awful.

Like many of the unfortunate circumstances in the castle, Lilith's realization of what was occurring happened slowly, the steady and careful rise of a tide. The day began as usual: Keri had departed to some other place by the time Lilith woke up, much to her unspoken and infinite relief. She prepared for her day as normally, checked to see if she had everything before she left her room...and then as she crossed the threshold, she felt a tug, an almost imperceptible snag from inside of her, somewhere near her ribs.

It was unpleasant, and grew increasingly so as she walked toward the Common Room, more quickly than usual, her expression growing more and more irritated as she progressed. It came to a standstill when she thumped into the idiot lump of a boy she'd spoken to over the journals recently, the new transfer with the unfortunate name. Her jaw tensed. If she had not already guessed something was horribly wrong, she did now.

"What is the meaning of this?"

jayne cobb, oc - lilith dupond

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