(no subject)

Jul 11, 2010 12:51

WHO: Jaina Solo & Rinoa Heartilly
LOCATION: Location is being negotiated.
WEEK: 61
TIME: Afternoon, following classes.
WHAT: Potions tutoring! Cause Rinoa needs it!
RATING: PG but TBD, who knows.

While this wasn't the first time Rinoa has gotten together to study and tutor, she wasn't completely familiar with how to act as the 'Tutoree'. She was usually the one that was showing how to do things and answering questions, and the role reversal made her feel like she was a burden. She knew it was stupid to feel that way, since she never once thought it was any trouble at all helping out other students... but being the one needing help... it made her feel self conscious.

The best she came up with to counteract her vulnerability was to bring a tin of Ginger Newts she had tucked away in her room, and she also managed to bring along some Fizzypop for them to drink. Junkfood and soda seemed like decent enough bribery for Rinoa to feel more comfortable. She just would have to keep an eye on Angelo because she knew that the dog would steal a yummy biscuit if the perfect opportunity presented itself.

After she found a place to sit and set up the snacks, she waited patiently for Jaina, keeping herself busy with reading one of the many romance novels she usually had stashed away in her bag. She could be looking through her Potions book, but... meh, they'd be doing that for most of the afternoon already so she'll just take a little time to relax with something she didn't feel pressured by.

rinoa heartilly, ❧jaina solo

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