Staff Meeting

Jun 28, 2010 16:18

Welcome, staff members, to what we know as our 'staff meetings.' These meetings are no longer compulsory for professors, but they are for all other staff members. Aside from that, think of them as an opportunity to discuss the events of Hogwarts and gain CR amongst fellow staff members.

There are just a few guidelines for how these will work. ( Read more... )

xigbar strelka, !ooc log, ❧maylene o'nyhyn, ❧uncle chan, ❧miakis farfallas, !meeting: staff, ❧finnian 'finny' walsh, lightning farron, basch fon ronsenburg, ❧bardroy rosenthal, ❧lulu draupnir, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, joy, alyss heart, npc - cid kramer, fang yun, jack vessalius, ❧luxord holmes

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In another meeting with Szayel (e_____e), the topic of the school uniform came up. Szayel was of the opinion that, basically, traps should be sabotaged by having to wear the more traditional uniform pieces for their gender!

The log in question is over here.

ANYWAY. Cid is opening up discussion concerning uniform, if anyone has any opinions :|


OH ALSO guidesthegarden June 28 2010, 07:51:55 UTC
final decision on this rests with Cid, and for OOC reasons to do with charactersation for some of our students, etc, the uniform rule won't be going through -- but lets have some discussion C8


sisterpsyche June 28 2010, 07:53:01 UTC
Shalice thinks as long as it's the standard issue uniform, either gender should be able to wear either one as they choose. If the uniform is appropriate for one, it should be appropriate for all.


guidesthegarden June 28 2010, 07:57:38 UTC
Cid agrees! CX Thank you, Shalice. (Here, have a cupcake. It has the Gryffindor emblem on it!)

Furthermore, surely they should encourage self expression. Being a teenager is hard enough, after all.


Re: OH ALSO tearsthesky June 28 2010, 10:46:11 UTC
In-between eating a muffin or whatever, she says the kids should be able to wear whichever uniform they care to wear. She's seen nothing inappropriate.


guidesthegarden June 28 2010, 11:31:15 UTC
Cid is thoughtfully eating a Hufflepuff house themed cupcake, and he nods. Certainly, students behaving appropriate should be corrected, but when they wearing the uniform and wearing it to proper standards, he sees no room for complaint.


tearsthesky June 30 2010, 01:55:10 UTC
Right, so why are we talking about this again? Just because someone's got their knickers in a twist doesn't mean the runts have to suffer.

She's eating another Gryffindor cupcake, but kind of sneaking this one because if Vanille catches her eating all these sweets she's gonna get a stern talking-to.

Mind you, Fang finds the scolding totally adorable, but she'd rather avoid it at the moment.


belteddress June 28 2010, 10:53:28 UTC
If the students feel more comfortable wearing clothing of the opposite gender, and so long as it falls within the preset guidelines, she sees no true problem with it. There may be deeper reasons as to why the children prefer to dress this way, as well. tl;dr: she doesn't care and there are more important things to worry about.

And she imagines that both student and staff are quite used to Mister Guisborne, Miss Shirogane and Miss Tenjou's choices of uniform, and can accurately surmise their respective genders at this point. :|


guidesthegarden June 28 2010, 11:32:51 UTC
Agreed. (And he is nudging a plate of Ravenclaw cupcake towards Lulu as she speaks. They have blueberries in them c: )

True, although one concern raised was for those staff and students who are new arrivals. Still, they are in Scotland - a skirt is hardly far from a kilt, and women wear trousers every day.


belteddress June 30 2010, 01:59:06 UTC
She just glances at the muffin, and back to the headmaster. And then to the muffin again. And to the headmaster. Her face is like the perfect lineface. She says no thank you, as she is not a fan of many sweets.

She's certain the aforementioned students can correct any confused parties on the nature of their genders if asked.

And...yes, Lulu agrees with that.


prfctpotions June 28 2010, 14:12:03 UTC
Szayel arrived with a stack of papers as tall as he is in tow, ready to give everyone a solid argument. He doesn't expect to win it of course -- majority vote wins, and it seems the professors always vote against him... which is stupid for someone that's always right -- and he really doesn't care of the outcome.

He's... quite literally doing it for the lulz.


guidesthegarden June 28 2010, 22:55:00 UTC
Szayel is a giant liferuiner. Cid doesn't look delighted at the pile of paperwork sob, but somehow managed to conjure a smile.

Sort of.

Good morning, Szayel e______e


prfctpotions June 29 2010, 02:09:47 UTC
Well, good morning, headmaster. So pleasant to see you today~ He does hope you're ready for his lecture, it'll probably take several hours.

See, kids, this is how you get out of being punished.


this icon is his default Szayel face from now on. guidesthegarden June 29 2010, 03:31:51 UTC
Likewise, Szayel. Likewise. And do feel free to call him Cid.

He is prepared and positively looking forward to it. Be bought some note-parchment and his quick quotes quill.



hatesyourheir June 28 2010, 18:35:19 UTC
Ta'a Chume's only opinion is that the uniforms are dreadfully tacky, and a bit of an offense to those of taste.


prfctpotions June 28 2010, 18:58:25 UTC

Oh no, Ta'a Chume, you gave him an idea. He really would like to know what sort of ideas you would have for a better school uniform.


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