Oh Young (not) Love

Jun 07, 2010 10:53

WHO: Squall, open to Gryffindor dorm mates
LOCATION: Seventh Year Gryffindor boy's room
WEEK: 59
TIME: Morning, before classes
WHAT: Squall wakes up to a rude surprise.

Waking up in the morning surrounded by plushies was a very, very disturbing thing. Squall had the misfortune of experiencing it several times during the Valentine's Day mishap, and now with a school ball looming on the horizon, it was returning in full force.

He grumbled under his breath as he pushed the annoying things out of his way, climbing out of bed to the accompaniment of squeaks and recorded proposals to go to the ball. Just how the hell were girls sneaking into the boy's dorm anyway, and why the hell was no one doing anything about it?! Squall snatched one of the infernal things in irritation, chucking it over to the bed of one of his dorm mates, before stalking off to get a bag to contain this crap.

catty turner, squall leonhart, ren honjo

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