Edward makes his move!

Oct 27, 2008 01:10

Name(s): Edward Elric
Location: Dorm, Hallway, Library, Restriction Section and backwards again.
Day: 10
Time: Evening, during the masquerade
Warnings: PG-13, Ed has a potty mouth.

Edward Elric knew there was one thing great about the masquerade was that nearly everyone attended which meant no one would be watching him.

He left the dormitory just behind a group of party goers as though he were about to do the same, but once up on the main floor, Edward walked past the Great Hall and headed for the next staircase. He continued walking past others who were going down to the ball and stopped off on the floor above the library.

Ed walked along looking nonchalant with his hands in his pockets. Each step brought him closer and he looked around. There was no one to stop him so he slid his wand out from his sleeve. With a wave he transfigured the floor to become a staircase and, pleased with his success, he stepped down them, holding onto the railing to keep quiet.

Soon he was standing in the library, but not in the restricted section which was his original goal. It was pretty dark and no one appeared to be around. Ed grimaced and walked slowly towards the section as though someone could appear any moment. Three more steps, and then he crossed the threshold.

Nothing happened. Edward exhaled, he hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath. He stepped into the stacks, listening for sounds but he heard none. He went to the back until he found the section he wanted and removed one of the thickest tomes he could find.

No sound came except for a soft scratching that escaped his notice. At once, a book from a neighbouring shelf threw itself at his back. Edward cried out. "Fuck!"

Another one flew into the book case by his head. Uh oh, he thought. Ed grabbed the next book over as well and began to run. Books flew at him from every direction and he had to duck and hop quite a few times.

As he ran, he tripped over one of the fallen books and landed hard on his knees. He grimaced as pain shot up his good knee. Another book landed against his right arm and he shoved himself up and ran across the threshold.

There was a rustling sound behind him of the books reshelving themselves but none came after him. Edward leaned against the wall panting heavily. He was out of shape and a little bruised from the encounter. He closed his eyes, hugging the two books against his chest.

He could hear clanging of armor coming towards him. He didn't know if it was someone or what, but he wasn't about to stick around and found out. He used his right foot and pushed off the wall, running the last little bit as he ran up the stairs that he'd made. At the top, he could still hear the armor, so he quickly transfigured it back to the floor it was and headed back to Slytherin.

❧edward elric

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