i just can't help myself~

Feb 17, 2010 18:12

Name(s): Cloud Strife & Alyss Heart (closed)
Location: Alyss's office.
Week: Week 51.
Time: Early afternoon.
Rating: Oh uhhh G-PG?

Cloud had not yet heard enough about the whole love potion mishap ordeal to make any connection to it when it came to his new and quite sudden... infatuation with the new visual arts professor. Actually, he probably didn't even quite realize the extent or strangeness of his feelings right now, but either way, he had sent her flowers. Mostly pink and purple ones -- women liked those colours, right?

And then Professor Heart was posting an entry to thank him for the flowers, talking to him, coaxing him out of his quietness, and managing to make the blond more intent on making her happy whether she realized what she was doing or not. Which she probably didn't.

As such, it didn't take him entirely long to acquire another batch of flowers for her. Light blue ones, this time.

And then the professor and his flowers had made their way to the office of Alyss Heart. There was a sensible part of him still in tact that briefly wondered where exactly his interest in the woman had come from; but the moment he got to her door such things were forgotten.

A moment's hesitation, and Cloud finally knocked.

❧cloud.strife, alyss heart

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