Recalibrating was going to be necessary

Feb 09, 2010 23:34

Name(s): Edward Elric, Vash, so very closed, quicklog following the initial post.
Location:  An empty dungeon classroom
Week: 50
Time: After his discussion with Luxord
Rating: Somewhere in the PG-13+ rating. Lots of swearing. Some violence. Be warned.

Edward was so angry, and that anger needed to be vented and reeled in, in a proper forum because if it wasn't he was going to snap and that wasn't going to end any better than the last time he did. He walked from Luxord's office until he found an empty classroom. It was a pretty standard classroom with benches and desks, a chalkboard and a teacher's desk.

He slammed the door shut, to begin with. That made him feel better.

"I can't believe this SHIT!" Edward shouted and swung his left leg into the wooden desk with as much force as he could muster. He heard a satisfying crack. He followed it with a barrage of punches, swinging solidly into his target as he vented.

"Why the fuck is it always me? What the hell?! I don't fucking understand, I don't get it! I HATE BEING CONFUSED!" A particularly solid kick brought a shower of splinters to the ground. He slammed his fists on the intact top of the desk.

"Why can't I get anything fucking right?" He kicked one of the stools across the room. It was satisfying, but not destructive enough. He eyed the cabinet in the back and stalked over to open it. Jackpot, glass flasks. He grasped two of them and hurled them across the room, satisfied by the smashing noise they made.

"Watch your temper Edward, let people walk all over you Edward, it's okay for people to fucking treat you like dirt, just fucking take it Edward!" He kicked the nearest chair against the wall, making noise, yes, noise was what he wanted, and destruction.

"Why isn't it when people pick on me no one fucking does anything?" He kicked the desk. "DOUBLE FUCKING STANDARDS!" He continued to kick it and punch it but he was starting to run out of steam and he didn't do quite as much damage to this one.

Finally he slammed his fists on the top of the desk again, feeling the pain of doing so and hearing the satisfying thunk. "It's not fair, it's never fucking fair, I'm so tired of this damn bullshit."

Evidently, he was also just tired because he slumped into the nearest unkicked chair and put his head in his hands, his body trembling from the exertion and the emotion. "Never going to understand...."

❧edward elric, ❧vash t. stampede

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