The Music in You

Feb 09, 2010 15:16

Name(s): 3chairdialects aka "she's got a talented tongue" and OPEN.
Location: A music room.
Week: 51
Time: Monday afternoon.
Rating: Totally G, though it may go up to a PG depending on who joins? IDK.

Hogwarts was getting crazy again. Well, crazier than usual. People were starting to see things, and Nyota figured it was another spell gone wrong.

Besides all that, somehow she'd found herself dating-but-not-really a certain grumpy Ravenclaw. She'd never really done anything like it before, but she rationalized it by reminding herself that Leonard was her friend, and it might actually get some people to lay off - both of them. Besides, it might be fun, watching the school speculate about it.

Of course, explaining it to Spock would probably take some work. She wasn't touching that kettle of eels just yet.

So Nyota found herself in a sanctuary of sorts - one of the music practice rooms. A wave of her wand had the piano magically accompanying her as she started warming up - scales and arpeggios as her warm voice filled the room and the notes washed over her in soothing waves.

❧nyota.uhura, ❧haruka tenoh

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