"Speak the words I wanna hear, to make my demons run" [Closed]

Oct 19, 2009 21:27

Name(s): Seifer Almasy tipofagunblade , Jaina Solo abovetwinsuns
Location: Outside on the Grounds
Week: Week 43 (just before Headmaster Cid's announcement)
Time: Later evening
Rating: PG for Possible Language

The dirt began making a sloppy, lengthy pile as Seifer continued kicking at the ground, hoping to gather his thoughts before what would be a very awkward and trying time. His face wrinkled in the deep moonlight. "Full, huh? The masquerade is going to be crazy, for sure," he said, sounding relieved that he wouldn't be attending. Although a great deal of it was due to the fact that he was unsure of his connection with his supposed girlfriend Mai, he also withdrew from the social event based on the revelation of Jaina's assistance in Lelouch's campaign for Head Boy. Feeling betrayed by his sparring partner, he launched into an episode of social withdrawal.

Hoping to redeem himself and regain his friendship, he offered a time for meeting. With a pair of hands rubbing through his hair from front to back, he breathed out in frustration and began wondering why he opened his big mouth in the first place.

!complete, ❧jaina solo, ❧seifer almasy

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