It's A Wild Night All Around

Aug 04, 2009 01:11

Name(s): Maes Hughes, Roy Mustang, any other professors/faculty roaming the night halls.
Location: first Maes' room then the kitchens
Week: Week 38
Time: Friday night, same time as Kirk's party
Rating: G

The package from Gracia had arrived late that evening after Maes had already changed into his pink duck print pajamas and Maes couldn't have been happier. It came with the usual letter attached, asking him how he was doing and of course a report from Elysia. He was happy to read that his two favorite women would be coming to visit him soon. There was also the fact that Gracia had included a drawing from Elysia, which was going right on Maes' office wall.

He turned his attention to the actual package, even before he opened it he knew what was in it, the smell was just so over powering. He loved his wife dearly, but he would be lying if he didn't admit that one of her charms was her fabulous cooking. Maes opened the package to take a peek and confirm his suspicions, yep, it was apple pie. There was also a tin of cookies, a note attached to the tin said that his darling Elysia had helped put the frosting on them. Upon opening the tin Maes found that there were wonky smiley faces on all of them. He beamed, oh his Elysia was so wonderful! Clearly she was going to be just like her mother.

Of course, there was only one thing he could do now that her pie had arrived. Maes rose from his chair, picking up the package, and turned to the door. He slipped his feet into a pair of slippers and made his way down to the school kitchens. It wasn't a far walk and the halls were quite at this time of night, even the moogles were sleeping somewhere by now. Maes tiptoed into the kitchen and opened the door to the cooling room that held the milk.

Once he was settled on a stool, he pulled out a knife and fork and started to cut a piece.

❧maes hughes, ❧riza hawkeye, ❧roy mustang, ❧june hunter

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