(no subject)

May 07, 2008 16:30

Today started with the discovery that Elliot wet the bed, something that never, ever happens.

Owen cried several times during his speech group today, and had a major tantrum once I got him home.

I talked to Elliot's teacher today, and despite her strongest efforts to help us find school options for him for next year, she said that the powers-that-be are resistant to even helping her the tiniest bit.  One of the people in charge of placement actually told her, "I don't know what's out there."  What the hell???  I have a bad feeling about this.

On the way home from Elliot's school, E. peed his pants (and the booster seat).  Again, this has never, ever happened before.  If this happens one more time, I am calling his ped.  I'm thinking UTI or something.  Suuuper.

Lastly, I am getting a weird vibe from this stay-at-home dad in our neighborhood.  I think he's got some kind of bug up his ass because he never sees me at the park with my kids, he only sees the sitter at the park with the kids.  He basically said something like that to our sitter.  I want to not care what he thinks, and mostly I don't...but still.  I mean, who the fuck does he think he is?  I spend tons of time with my kids and I don't have to prove that to him.  I will fully admit I don't like going to the park!  And I have groceries to buy, food to cook, a house to clean, laundry to do, and kids to drive to nearly every kind of therapy imaginable.  Okay, yeah, the sitter is maybe a luxury to some, but dammit, she saves my sanity.  Now I don't have to take my autistic son to the grocery store and deal with his tantrums in public, where I sometimes wonder if I look like I'm kidnapping him when he screams and hits and tries to get away from me.  *sigh*  Other people and their opinions.  Feh.
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