We we're cruising home in your car, the June 7 morning greeting us. I thought, the skies will show me how another year will probably turn out for me. Outside the window, I saw how the blue broke into the horizon along with cottony white swirls of the cloud. I couldn't help but smile. Then, Fiona Apple sang through your car stereo and the word 'perfect' couldn't be more fitting for this ride home. I then felt your hand brush my knee. I looked towards you and saw you looking at me and I saw myself looking at you through your eyes.
“Are you happy? I mean, at this moment as I speak, are you happy?”
I was quite for a while as the skies, the song and everything dissolved into the background until all I can see is you sitting beside me. I didn't have to open my mouth and tell you what my answer is.
Thank you for completing my birthday.