While the boss is away Spygirl690 will play.....

Feb 03, 2009 09:24

My co-worker and my imediate boss are not here today. Which leaves my bosse's boss who has her own room about 10 feet from my cube. Plently of time to close internet windows contianing questionable fanfiction. *devil horns*

purplelev  and I had the greatest email conversation EVER last night. I want to post it all but I doubt she'd approve. Basically it all started with her emailing me a funny quote from a slash fiction she was reading. I sent her a link to an amazing Blades of Glory fanfic I was reading and things just went downhill from there. But here is a highlight:

me 11:10 pm
"We would totally be the ringmasters. It would be like variety night in the basement. so joker and batman would do the dissapearing dick trick....what would our other boys do?"

purplev 11:13 p.m.
Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom would have a sword fight.
and. . . "

me 11:14 p.m.
"By swords I'm hoping you mean cocks."

purplelev  11:15 p.m.
"Ohh I totally mean cocks."
That is why she is my best friend!

Totally off topic but I found the most amazing pairing last night Logan (XMen) and Tony Stark (Iron Man). Seriously? Ok, cannon natzis aside - that would be a pretty hawt pairing.

slash, friends, jack sparrow, blades of glory, purplelev, porn

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