"Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place where as a child I'd hide..."

Jan 26, 2009 10:04

I can’t tell you how awful it is that I’m writing this while I’m at work. We have at least three major projects going on right now. But, honestly, I’m a head on everything so I can afford to take two minuets to type this up.

My weekend was amazing.

Friday Jazzercise bodysculpting class. Jazz is hands down the most fun I’ve had working out in a long time. The only two days I didn’t go last week was Wed and Sunday. The music is great and it really is a good workout. I’ve already got lil woman arm muscles. I then went to see my friends and watch some anime. *horay*

Saturday My Marketing 500 class is going well. I’m having difficulty adjusting my mind to think like a marketer. I’m hoping that by the midterm next week I’ll have it sorted out because I’ll be in big trouble if I can’t. Thankfully there is a BUNCH of extra credit and I’m going to do it *all*. Then Jazzercise. After Jazz I bummed around and got ready for dinner with my friend Bryan and his fiancé. She lives in Arkansas. It’s a long story. Basically I think he may be making a big mistake but, whatever, it’s his mistake to make. I mean she has three kids and has been married twice already. But whatever, everyone can change and I hope she has. Bryan is a great guy and deserves someone who will treat respect and love him. Also she works for walmart and was telling me walmart is trying to go to Japan. Something tells me I should look into applying at walmart cooperate….

Sunday I shot out of bed on Sunday with a craving for doughnuts that could not be denied. So I threw on my jacket and slippers and marched into the supermarket in my pajamas to get my tasty sugar coated treats. I was also excited yesterday morning because I knew I was going to see Cait. After I got home from doughnuts I got great news from my parents. They are turning the garage into a large room for my brother so I can have both bedrooms upstairs. I’m going to turn the second one into a living room/study. All I could think was *yay* a place to snuggle with Cait!

Cait ended up getting to my house around 4:15pm-ish. We went out for Mexican and had amazing margaritas. We had a great conversation about exes and relationships. Lots of laughing and good food - I love how she always is up for desert when I am. At my house we made a nest in the basement consisting of blankets and pillows and snuggled in to watch Zack and Miri Make a Porno. We cuddled through the whole movie - it was awesome. I thought she was going to go after but she stayed to watch But I’m a Cheerleader which she also really enjoyed. More snuggling ensued after the movie (yes - kisses too!). It was so perfect. Every time she said she should get going she just pulled me close again and didn’t budge. When I was lying there all I could think was “I’m really falling for this girl.” Her hair is just so amazing…I love running my fingers through it - ha sorry, TMI. We are seeing each other again tomorrow night.

Tonight - Jazz, Chapter 13 of Nightminds, House MD and homework. I’m thinking homework may get pushed to tomorrow - hey you’ve got to have priorities!

PS: CD mix is going amazing. I'm giving it to her on Valentines Day along with some chocolate dipped strawberries.

jazzercise, masters, anime, nightminds, miss.c, work, school

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